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Do I Need A Visa for Macau?


Because Macau (Macao), Hong Kong, two Special Administrative Regions(SARs), are regarded as third regions from Chinese mainland, it means Macau sets up own visa policy for non-Macanese visitors, and Chinese Visa does NOT give entry permission to Macau or Hong Kong.


A Macau Visa is required normally for a travel to Macau. But, if you are citizens of specific foreign countries and territories, and visit Macau for short-term tour and business, you may have visa-free entry to Macau. US, UK, Australia, Canada citizens, Indians, Filipinos, Malaysians may get visa exempted for Macau, while passport holders of Pakistan, Vietnam and Nepal must obtain a visa for entry.


Who can Visit Macau without Visa - Macau Visa Free


According to the Entry Regulations released on the Macau Immigration Department, currently, Macau offers (multipe-entry) visa exemption for citizens from total 79 foreign countries (territories) for visit of travel and business affairs. The permitted duration of stay differs by nationality, and accute period ranges from a maxmium of 14 days, 30 days, 90 days (3 months), 180 days (6 months) and even up to 1 year.


Besides, holders of Hong Kong SAR passport and Chinese Passport with flight and visa to a third country are allowed to have 7-day visa-free stay in Macau if transitting through Macau.


Who Needs Visa to Macau - Macau Visa Application Guide


Nationals from non exempt countries, and the visa-free visitors who plan to stay longer and for other purposes, are required to apply for a “Visa” or “Entry Permit” to Macau before arrival or upon arrival. However, ordinary passport holders of the 6 special countries (Bangladesh, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Vietnam), must obtain a Macau Visa through a Chinese Embassy or Consulate before entry into Macau, and he/she is NOT allowed to apply visa on arrival at border ports.


Macau Visa Application Required Documents


ForIndividual Travel & Family Visit


1. Photocopy of your valid original passport’s bio data page and used inside visa pages (or international travel document);


2. A completed Macau Visa Application Form;


3. Proof of financial status (such as bank statement, savings depoist, tax receipt, certificate of employment and income);


4. Related transportation and accommodation arrangment in Macau (such as round-trip flight tickets and hotel booking record);


5. Proof of visit for Macau (such as copy of relative’s residence in Macau or Macau Identity Card, with the kinship certificate document );


6.Other documents used for previous travel to Macau, valid visa and entry/residence permit for other countries and regions if has.


For Work in Macau


Except the copy of the date page & used visa pages of your valid passport, completed Macau Visa Application Form, applicants should also prepare copy of employment certificate approved by the Macau authority, which is the application or renewal application letter of "Authorization to Stay for Non-resident Workers" which has been verified by the Macao Immigration Department.


Applicants need to submit all the necessary documents to the visa office of Chinese Embassy and Consulate during office hours. If they request additional materials, applicants shall submit as required.


>> Validity of Macau Visa


Macau Visa has different expiry date and number of entries, including:


1. Single (1) entry within 3 months;


2. Double (2) entries within 3 months;


3. Multiple entries within 6 months.


Please note that the duration of stay is 14 days per entry. Stay beyond the legally authorized period will face penalty by law.


Macau Visa on Arrival


Apart from the two introducted special caes, other foreign visitors can either apply Macau Visa in overseas Chinese Embassy or Consulate in advance or get Macau Visa upon Arrival (Port Visa) at border checkpoints of Immigration Department, Public Security Police of Macau.


◆Macau Visa on Arrival Countries


*Any other country not inclued in the Macau Visa-Free Country List.


*79 Macau Visa-Free Countries, if nationals will stay longer than the permitted duration or visit Macau not for tour or business.


For example: Indians can apply Macau Visa on Arrival, when his planed visit is more than 30 days or for work.


◆Macau Visa on Arrival Requirements


Except presenting the valid original passport, applicants should also fill in Arrival Card at specialized “Visa Room” at border check points in Macau. Meanwhile, you’d better get ready related travel materials (like air tickets, hotel reservation) which supports your proposed entry and visit in Macau.

除出示有效护照原件外,申请人还应在澳门边境检查站专门的“签证室”填写入境卡。同时,您最好准备好相关的旅行材料(如机票、酒店预订),以支持您在澳门的入境和访问计划。 返回搜狐,查看更多


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