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In the afternoon of September 21, the parents' meeting in the first semester of the 2018-2019 academic year was held in the auditorium in CCSC.

在家长会上,校长Particia Larrondo女士首先向各位家长介绍了中加新学期的课程设置。我们的目标是致力于培养具有国际视野,合作意识以及能够适应21世纪的各种需求的学生。我们的基础教育战略方针是:现代化、世界化和未来化。我们的课程致力于提高培养学生的4C能力,即交流Communication、合作Collaboration、创造力Creativity、批判精神Critical thinking。

At the parents' meeting, Ms. Particia Larrondo, the principal, introduced the curriculum of the new semester.Our aim is to cultivate and educate students with a strong commitment to internationalism, cooperation, and who can adapt to the various demands of the 21st century. Our fundamental educational strategy is oriented toward modernization, the world, and the future.


We deliver a combined National Chinese and New Brunswick Curriculum throughout all grade levels (KG-G12). Our graduating students meeting requirements, can receive a Chinese High School diploma and a New Brunswick High School diploma. The NB HS Diplomas is valid in CANADA and recognized around the world. It allows students to participate in college and university admission processes.


After that, Ms. Grace, the Vice Principal, explained the concept of education in CCSC.CCSC has always emphasized on building a students-centered, teaching-dominated, profession-oriented, and team-based school, aiming at developing the qulities of morality, intellegence, physical fitness, social skills, and aesthetic appreciation to cultivate future elites with international ideas.The school not only pays attention to each student's academic performance, but also pays attention to the sound body and mind.At the same time, the President of grace also noted that parents and schools have a lot of opportunities to help their children shape their character together, which will help them to achieve their achievements in the future.


Then, the director of the middle and high school, Ms. Sun Yanqing, explained the curicullum, academic and moral education and general management.In this semester, electives are divided into activity courses and academic courses.Academic electives are refined into assiting courses and improving courses.A big breakthrough is that three electives are offered by students with the help of teachers.


In this semester, the schools will also carry out various academic activities.In addition to the excellent homework that began to be on display in the summer holiday, there will be Chinese and English reading competitions, word spelling competitions, calligraphy competitions, science basic skills, science experiment competition, liberal arts knowledge competition, Australian science competition, Canadian math competition, etc. At the same time, the school also carried out a number of moral education activities, including military training, sports meeting, eat-it-up campaign, Round-Square activities and the Duke of Edinburgh International Award, which aim to improve students' academic level and cultural quality from multiple orientation.


In terms of school regulations, we have improved the management system, established the student growth archives, and conducted interviews and guidance for students according to their performance. At the same time, the school continues to strengthen standardized teaching, standardized classroom management and persisted in targeted guidance.On this basis, we have made new changes. In this semester, we will send the progress report to parents and students on a regular basis. We hope we can help students by timely feedback, timely communication, and timely solving problems.


Parents also watched a video carefully filmed by students of all grades. Students in middle and high school expressed their thanks to their parents, teachers and the school with their own immature language. Simple but sincere language touched the hearts of teachers and parents.


At the end of the parents' meeting, parents also had face-to-face communication with the children's teachers. IW believe that through such home-school communication and cooperation, the students will grow up healthier and stronger. 返回搜狐,查看更多


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