2024-05-26 13:15:33 来源:秒词邦 阅读:149






































"I was born in 1987? For so many years, I thought I was born in 1986." On the morning of May 24th, Duan Xiaofang from Hebei, holding her biological parents who had been separated for 35 years, finally found out her true age and birthday at the Tongchuan Police station of Santai County Public security Bureau in Mianyang, Sichuan.

In February of this year, Duan Xiaofang, who was working in Beijing, accidentally took samples of her rented house and put them into storage. Her biological samples were suspected to be related to the parents of missing and abducted children in Mianyang, Li Xuyou and Lai Yulan. The Beijing and Mianyang police have collected biological samples from both sides again for secondary DNA phylogenetic analysis and review. On May 9th, it was confirmed that Duan Xiaofang was the missing and abducted child Li Haiyan.

Duan Xiaofang's mother, Lai Yulan, told Red Star News reporters that 35 years ago, her daughter, who was only 3 and a half years old, went missing and was suspected of being abducted. The couple persisted in searching for her for many years, and more than a decade ago, they heard that there was a woman in a nearby town who was suspected of missing her daughter. The couple went to squat every Spring festival for six years, but eventually found out that it was not their own daughter.

Home stolen

The police collected biological samples from the victim and stored them in the warehouse

Unexpectedly helped him find his biological parents who had been separated for 35 years

On March 28th, the Ministry of Public Security issued an inspection order to crack down on the crime of trafficking in women and children. In early February, a criminal case occurred in the jurisdiction of the Chaoyang Branch of the Beijing Public Security Bureau. A theft case occurred in the rented house of Duan Xiaofang, a native of Hebei. The police collected biological samples of Duan Xiaofang on site and stored them in the database. It was found that he was suspected to have a biological relationship with the parents of missing and abducted children in Mianyang, Li Xuyou and Lai Yulan. The Anti Abduction Office of the Ministry of Public Security instructed the Mianyang Public Security Bureau to investigate.

After receiving the work order, the public security organs at the two levels of Mianyang City and Santai County immediately carried out investigation and verification work. according to the police investigation, on the afternoon of July 23, 1989, the daughter of Li Xuyou and Lai Yulan went missing inexplicably while playing on the road in Team 9, Village 6, Changping Township, Santai County. After the family members reported the incident, the police quickly took action and organized hundreds of people to carry out search work in the surrounding area.

In the past 35 years, the search for the abducted girl Li Haiyan has faced numerous difficulties. Her parents and relatives have not given up, and the public security organs have not given up. The city's two levels of anti kidnapping offices have sent five joint investigation reports to the police in Hebei, Shandong, and Fujian, and dispatched police officers to search outside the province. In 2009, after the Ministry of Public Security established the "National Anti Abduction DNA Database", the police promptly collected biological samples of Li Xuyou and his wife for storage. In the past 15 years, with the upgrading of DNA technology, the police have conducted three on-site sampling and site testing, making sufficient preparations for the search work.

In April of this year, the police in Beijing and Mianyang respectively contacted the parents and children involved. After thorough verification, they provided information feedback in accordance with the instructions of the abduction system, and collected biological samples from both sides for secondary DNA phylogenetic analysis and review.

On May 9th, it was confirmed by the National Anti Abduct system Notification department of the Public Security Organs that Li Xuyou, Lai Yulan, and Duan Xiaofang from Hebei Province have a genetic marker of a triad and have a biological genetic relationship.

Searching for Daughter

More than ten years ago, a suspected daughter was discovered in a nearby town

The couple has been guarding the Spring Festival for 6 consecutive years

"35 years have passed, and we have never given up searching for our daughter." On the morning of May 24th, before seeing her daughter who had been missing for many years, Lai Yulan's eyes were hazy with tears.

Lai Yulan told Red Star News reporters that on the afternoon of her daughter's disappearance, she and her husband Li Xuyou drove a tractor with their eldest son to chop firewood, and their only 3-and-a-half-year-old daughter insisted on following them. After arriving at their destination, the couple and their eldest son went to the mountain to chop firewood and parked the tractor on the roadside more than 100 meters away. My daughter originally went to watch TV at her aunt's house nearby, but at that time there was a power outage, so she sat on the tractor and played.

"More than ten minutes later, we heard her aunt say that her child was not in the car. I quickly called my son to ride a bicycle home to check, and found that my daughter was also not at home. Our whole family was panicked, and we didn't want the firewood we had cut. We searched everywhere with relatives and neighbors for our daughter," said Lai Yulan. At that time, more than twenty villagers were mobilized to search for the child, and they searched all over the road, house, and hillside, but there was no trace of the child. The next day, the family called the police, but the child seemed to disappear and there was no news.

Li Xuyou said that there were fewer cars at that time, and they speculated that after his daughter was taken away, the person must take a train to get to another province. Therefore, he immediately went to Mianyang railway Station to guard. On the platform of the train station, he dared not close his eyes and stared at every passing child. At the train station, he waited for 7 days and 7 nights.

More than a decade ago, Li Xuyou and his wife heard that there was a daughter from a nearby family in Liuying Town, suspected to be their daughter who had been missing for more than 20 years. Therefore, the couple approached to inquire, but were refused by the other party.

"We heard that the daughter of that family was working outside, so we went to the vicinity of the family to stay guard at the end of December and the beginning of the Spring Festival, and persisted for 6 years, only meeting once." Lai Yulan said, because they couldn't confirm, they couldn't presume to recognize each other. For the next six years, they tried to establish a good relationship with the parents of the child, but ultimately confirmed that the child was not their own.

Reunion scene

She unties her happy knot and wants to go home

"Knowing one's true age and birthday for the first time"

On the morning of May 24th, the Tongchuan Police Station of Santai County Public Security Bureau, Mianyang Public Security, Mianyang Women's Federation, and Beijing Yuanmeng Public Welfare jointly held the 14th reunion ceremony of the "2024 Normalized Anti Abduct Reunion Action". The "Hu Xiangyu Studio" of Mianyang Public Security Bureau and the "Liu Xiaohui Studio" of Santai County Public Security Bureau jointly held the second missing and abducted child recognition ceremony this year.

Li Xuyou and his wife, along with their son and daughter-in-law, waited at the scene early. At around 11 o'clock, Duan Xiaofang arrived with her son and daughter, and the family hugged and wept. Duan Xiaofang took the lead in controlling her emotions, took out a tissue to wipe away her mother's tears, and comforted, "We're not crying anymore.".

With tears in his eyes, his brother Li Gangbin kept introducing his sister to his brothers, sisters and relatives, and telling her the true date of birth.

"I was born in 1987? For so many years, I thought I was born in 1986," said Duan Xiaofang. This was the first time in 35 years that she knew her true age and birthday.

Duan Xiaofang told Red Star News reporters that she knew from a very young age that she was not the biological child of her foster parents. Her foster parents also told her that it was her biological parents who gave birth to many children and then sold her, which made her have a knot in her heart since childhood. She didn't have a good impression of her biological parents and always felt that they favored sons over daughters and abandoned her.

"My adoptive parents have two older brothers at home. Since I can remember, I have been doing household chores because I have been sensitive since I was young, so I always behave well and understand. My adoptive parents have average feelings for me, and now except for visiting my adoptive parents during the Chinese New Year, I basically have little contact with them." Duan Xiaofang said that she didn't study much and had a son and a daughter after getting married. Later, she divorced due to emotional discord.

On March 14th this year, Duan Xiaofang's shared apartment was stolen, and she lost two necklaces. After reporting to the police, they collected her blood sample when they came to collect evidence. To her surprise, she later received a call from the Mianyang Public Security Bureau.

"Officer Hu Xiangyu talked about my biological parents, and upon hearing this news, I felt mixed and uncomfortable. However, when I heard officer Hu say that my biological parents had suffered a lot to find me, I cried." Duan Xiaofang said, "It turns out that I also miss them, and I also want them to hug me. How many 35 years can life last? This time, I want to go home."

After the on-site marriage recognition, Li Xuyou and his wife went home with their daughter and had their first reunion banquet in 35 years.

句子分析1:Our whole family was panicked, and we didn't want the firewood we had cut.


Our whole family was panicked|| and we didn't want the firewood (we had cut).


(cut 为过去分词,与其动词原形拼写相同。didn't = did not)

panicked 为谓语,采用一般过去时和被动语态。
and 为并列连词,连接并列句。
want 为谓语,采用一般过去时。
第2个 we 开头为定语从句,引导词 that 被省略。
cut 为谓语,采用过去完成时。
we 为人称代词主格。our 为形容词型物主代词。was, did, had 为助动词。the 为定冠词。

   物主代词 | 助动词 | 人称代词



whole [hәul]


1) (强调大小或重要性)整个的,全部的  2) 全部的,整体的,完全的,所有的

family ['fæmәli]


1) 家庭  2) 亲属

panic ['pænik]



want [wɔnt]


1) 要,想要,希望  2) 需要

firewood ['faiәwud]



cut [kʌt]


1) 切,割,割破,划破  2) (从某物上)切下,将(某物)切开(或分割)






句子分析2:"We heard that the daughter of that family was working outside, so we went to the vicinity of the family to stay guard at the end of December and the beginning of the Spring Festival, and persisted for 6 years, only meeting once."


"We heard | that the daughter (of that family) was working [outside]|| so we went to the vicinity (of the family) to stay guard [at the end (of December) and the beginning (of the Spring Festival)]and persisted [for 6 years], only meeting [once]."


(heard 为 hear 的过去式。went 为 go 的过去式。)

heard 为谓语,采用一般过去时。
第1个 that 为连词,引导宾语从句。
第2个 that 为指示代词。
working 为谓语,采用一般过去进行时。
so 为连词,引导状语从句。
went 为谓语,采用一般过去时。
to stay 为不定式,作状语。
persisted 为谓语,采用一般过去时。
only meeting 为现在分词,作状语。
we 为人称代词主格。was 为助动词。the 为定冠词。

   人称代词 | 指示代词 | 助动词



go to...


the Spring Festival



hear [hiә]


1) 听见,听到  2) 听,注意听,倾听

daughter ['dɔ:tә]



that [ðæt]



family ['fæmәli]


1) 家庭  2) 亲属

work [wә:k]


1) 工作  2) 运行,运转

outside ['aut'said]


1) 在外面; 向外面:  2) 在户外; 露天

so [sәu]


1) 因此, 所以  2) (表目的)以便,以免

vicinity [vi'siniti]


(the vicinity)周围地区,邻近地区,附近

stay [stei]


1) 停留  2) 延缓,停止,控制

guard [gɑ:d]


1) 警卫员,看守  2) 警戒,保护

end [end]


1) (事物的)末端  2) (时间,事件等的)结尾,终结

December [di'sembә]



and [ænd]


1) 和, 与, 同, 并  2) 然后,接着

beginning [bi'giniŋ]


1) 开头,开端,开始部分  2) (beginnings)原始思想,起源,初级阶段

persist [pә'sist]


1) 维持,保持,持续存在  2) 顽强地坚持,执着地做

year [jiә]


1) 年  2) 一年时间

only ['әunli]


只; 仅; 仅仅

meet [mi:t]


1) 会面,会合  2) 相遇,遇见

once [wʌns]


1) 曾经  2) 一次,一回,仅一次





 listen to 和 hear 区别
 work, job 和 task 的区别

以上是秒词邦为您整理编写的文章《家中失窃后,女子意外找到亲生父母:35年了,第一次知道自己的真实年龄和生日》的全部内容。秒词邦是国内权威分题型分考点背诵中高考/四六级考研/专升本/出国单词的专业单词软件。扫描如下小程序码,进入秒词邦官方小程序获取更多英语相关资料! 【关键词:高考单词;高考英语;高中单词;高中英语;单词app;单词软件;记单词app;记单词软件;背单词软件;背单词app;英语单词;四六级单词;四六级英语;四六级单词app;四六级单词软件;考研单词app;考研单词软件;核心单词;高考冲刺复习;高考英语教材;高考英语真题;四六级真题;四六级试题;考研真题;考研英语单词;考研英语真题】

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