
中专毕业可以立即读 本科吗

从中专跨越 大专直接读本科,只有一条路,参加全国的普通高考。除此之外,包括自考、成人高考等都必须具有大专学历才行,换句话说,自考、成人高考等没有从中专直接到大专的途径。如果参见自考,那必须先自考大专文凭,有了大专以后再自考本科,如果是同一专业,要少考一些基础课程。如果参加成人高考或中职单报高职考试,还是只能先取得大专学历,在大专阶段学习的第二年可以参加“中期选拔”考本科,如果考上,可以到本科院校再学习两年取得本科文凭。







【英文介绍/For English】:

There is only one way to directly study undergraduates from technical secondary schools across junior colleges, and take the national general college entrance examination. In addition, self-examination, adult college entrance examination, etc. must have a college degree. In other words, self-examination, adult college entrance examination, etc. do not have a direct path from technical secondary school to junior college. If you refer to self-examination, you must first take a self-examination for a junior college diploma, and then take a self-examination for an undergraduate degree after you have a junior college. If it is the same major, you must take fewer basic courses. If you take the adult college entrance examination or the secondary vocational college entrance examination, you can only obtain a junior college degree first. In the second year of junior college study, you can participate in the "mid-term selection" for undergraduate exams. If you pass the exam, you can study in undergraduate colleges for two more years. year to obtain a bachelor's degree.