
房租不到期 房东违约怎么处理

租房时,双方签订租房合同,在合同规定期限内,如果一方违约,另一方可以要求违约方赔偿相应的 违约金,具体的违约金额根据合同制定的违约金额支付。【房屋租赁合同常见的违约情形】1、在房屋租赁关系上,要求解除租赁合同的一方,应该提前1个月通知对方,否则就属于违约(合同另有约定除外),对方当事人有权要求其支付违约金。2、租房合同中对违约金有约定(租房违约金的数额是由当事人双方通过事先约定而确定的)、则按约定的违约金比例支付。3、房屋租赁合同中对违约金没有约定,应按对方违约对你造成的实际损失来计算违约金并退回押金和多余的房费。4、租房违约金的支付是独立于履行行为即给付房租之外的给付。5、双方按照租赁合同的约定处理,赔偿约定的金额,如果协商不成,可到法院提起诉讼解决。




1. 向房东发出书面警告。


2. 联系房东的上级或管理公司。


3. 寻求帮助。


4. 提起诉讼。


【英文介绍/For English】:

When renting a house, both parties sign a rental contract. If one party breaches the contract within the time limit specified in the contract, the other party may request the breaching party to compensate for the corresponding liquidated damages. The specific breached amount shall be paid according to the breached amount stipulated in the contract. [Common breaches of housing lease contracts] 1. In the housing lease relationship, the party who requests to terminate the lease contract should notify the other party one month in advance, otherwise it will be a breach of contract (unless otherwise stipulated in the contract), and the other party has the right to request the other party to terminate the lease contract. Pay liquidated damages. 2. If there is an agreement on liquidated damages in the rental contract (the amount of liquidated damages is determined by the parties concerned through prior agreement), the payment shall be made in accordance with the agreed liquidated damages ratio. 3. There is no agreement on liquidated damages in the house lease contract, and the liquidated damages should be calculated according to the actual losses caused by the other party’s breach of contract and the deposit and excess room fees should be refunded. 4. The payment of liquidated damages for renting a house is a payment independent of the performance of the act, that is, the payment of the rent. 5. The two parties shall deal with it according to the agreement in the lease contract, and compensate the agreed amount. If the negotiation fails, they can go to the court to file a lawsuit for settlement.