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Beijing Foreign Studies University


Introduction of Beijing Foreign Studies University


  1、学校简介Introduction of Beijing Foreign Studies University






  Beijing Foreign Studies University, or BFSU, is one of China’s top universities under the direct leadership of the Chinese Ministry of Education. It is listed under Project 985, Project 211 and Double First-Class Project of China. Located in Haidian District, Beijing, it has two campuses- the West Campus and the East Campus, separated by the North Xisanhuan Road.
  Today, BFSU teaches 101 foreign languages, more than any other Chinese universities. It is the first in China to offer courses in some less commonly taught European, Asian and African languages. While best known for its excellence in foreign languages & literature, BFSU has also launched programs in more fields such as humanities, law, economics,management,etc. To better serve China’s diplomatic efforts,we now teach all official languages of countries with diplomatic relations with China.


  BFSU has 121 bachelor’s programs, 44 of which are found exclusively at BFSU in China. It also offers advanced degree programs in 6 major fields — literature, economics, management, law, education, and history, including doctoral programs under 2 subjects, academic degree programs (master) under 11 subjects and professional degree programs (master) under 8 subjects. Foreign languages & literature program was rated as A+ in a nationwide assessment in 2017, ranking top in China. According to QS university rankings in 2018, 2 subjects — linguistics and modern languages — ranked among top 100 globally, higher than other Chinese universities. BFSU now has about 5,600 undergraduate students, about 3,100 graduate students ( master’s and doctor’s candidates), and about 1,600 international students.
  BFSU attaches great importance to academic development of its faculty. It now has over 1,200 full-time teachers and supporting staff and nearly 200 foreign teachers from 60 countries and regions. Over 90% of the teachers have experiences of overseas study.
  To enhance its international exposure, BFSU works in partnership with 313 universities and academic institutions in 91 countries and regions. It has cooperation programs with many foreign universities, including the University of Nottingham, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), INALCO, Moscow State Linguistic University, University of Göttingen, Sapienza University of Rome, Eötvös Loránd University, Jagiellonian University, etc. BFSU also works as a partner with foreign universities to operate 23 Confucius Institutes and Classrooms in 18 countries.
  Guided by its motto “Learn with an open mind; Serve a great cause”, BFSU has, over the years, produced a large number of qualified professionals with language competence who, after graduation, work in and outside China as diplomats, translators/interpreters, educators, businessmen/women , journalists, lawyers, bankers, etc. Among BFSU alumni, over 400 have worked as ambassadors, and over 2,000 as counselors. BFSU is thus known as “ a cradle for diplomats”.


  Note: All rooms are equipped with air-conditioner, TV, telephone, broadband internet access, table and chair, bed and bedding.

  单人间 single room

  双人间 double room









  5、北京景点观光Sightseeing in Beijing

  (1)长城The Great Wall

  The Great Wall of China, one of the greatest wonders of the world, was listed as a World Heritage by UNESCO in 1987. Just like a gigantic dragon, the Great Wall winds up and down across deserts, grasslands, mountains and plateaus, stretching approximately 8,851.8 kilometers (5,500 miles) from east to west of China. With a history of more than 2000 years, some of the sections are now in ruins or have disappeared. However, it is still one of the most appealing attractions all around the world owing to its architectural grandeur and historical significance.

  (2)首都博物馆The Capital Museum

  首都博物馆以其宏大的建筑、丰富的展览、先进的技术、完善的功能,成为一座与北京“历史文化名城”、“文化中心” 和“国际化大都市”地位相称的大型现代化博物馆,并跻身于“国内一流,国际先进”的博物馆行列。
  With its magnificent architecture, abundant exhibitions, advanced technology and complete functions, the Capital Museum contributes to Beijing’s standing as a famous historical and cultural city, a cultural centre and an international metropolis and ranks among the first class museums both at home and abroad and is regarded as one of the first “State First-class Museums” in 2008.

  (3)798艺术区Dashanzi Art District(798 Art Zone) 

  798艺术区位于北京朝阳区酒仙桥街道大山子地区,故又称大山子艺术区(英文简称DAD-Dashanzi Art District),原为原国营798厂等电子工业的老厂区所在地,如今798已经引起了国内外媒体和大众的广泛关注,成为了北京都市文化的新地标。此区域西起酒仙桥路,东至京包铁路、北起酒仙桥北路,南至将台路,面积60多万平方米,因当代艺术和798生活方式闻名于世。艺术区的名字是由北京国营电子工业老厂区的名称沿用而来。在798艺术区的发展过程中形成了798共识,因此,798也指这一艺术区引申出的一种文化概念,以及LOFT这种时尚的居住与工作方式,简称798生活方式或798方式。
  It is a part of Dashanzi in the Chaoyang District of Beijing that houses a thriving artistic community, among 50-year old decommissioned military factory buildings of unique architectural style. In the mid-1990s, fleeing the pressures of the city’s censors and attracted by cheap rents, Beijing’s contemporary artists packed up and headed for the ‘burbs. A number of them set up camp in the airy Bauhaus-style warehouses of what was once the East German-built Joint Factory 798, a state-owned electronics factory. With their industrial design and faded Cultural Revolution slogans, the sprawling buildings themselves are fascinating to ramble around, but the main attractions these days are the buzzing contemporary galleries, studios, and boutiques packed inside that have flourished since around 2000. Highlights include the polished Ullens Center for Contemporary Art, the 798 Space (which was the area’s original gallery), and the 798 Photo Gallery, though there are funky gems to be found in many of the smaller galleries, too.

  6、北京热门购物场所Shopping in Beijing

  With the rapid development of economics,new shopping centres are sprouting up all over Beijing every year. There are varied supermarkets and shopping malls where you can buy just anything you want. Most of the stores are very well-stocked so that you can buy all kinds of products here in Beijing. All the tourist guide books may provide lots of shopping information like below:

  王府井大街Wangfujing Avenue  (Wangfujing Dajie)
  王府井大街,东城区Wangfujing Avenue, Dongcheng District.

  Wangfujing Avenue intersects with east Chang’an Avenue. It has a history of more than 100 years. The street, which is less than one kilometre long, is lined with many shops.  The best known shop is the Beijing Department Store.

  西单大街Xidan Street (XIdan Dajie)

  Xidan Commercial Area, north of West Chang’an Avenue, gives a wide range of shopping options. At one end is the Hanguang Shopping Centre and Xidan Market.  Further north is Xidan Shopping Centre and Xidan SCITECH Plaza. The area also has Beijing’s biggest book store, the Book Mansion.

  秀水街Silk Market (Xiushui jie)
  8 Xiushui Dongjie, Chaoyang District(秀水东街8号)

  Despite its name, the Silk Market has much more than just silk. The silk products here are cheap, and therefore popular, but there are also a lot of cashmere garments, down jackets, leather goods, shoes, hats, watches and some handicrafts and trinkets. One disadvantage is that the stall holders can be (over) persistent. It is often helpful to bring along a Chinese friend who can help you bargain.

  三里屯 Village Sanlitun Village
  Jia 6, Gongti Bei Lu, Chaoyang District (工体北路甲6号)

  Sanlitun Village is a culture and fashion centre where you can find all the fashion brands, cinemas, restaurants and bars. The Village is an architectural complex rather than a single building, and it is a very new marketing opened in 2008.

  三里屯雅秀服装市场 Sanlitun Yashow Clothing Market
  58 Gongti Bei Lu, Chaoyang District(工体北路58号)

  It is a famous clothing market and attracts lots of foreigners. You can find almost all the world famous brands here, but most of them are only imitations. The price is relative cheap and negotiable, normally you can ask a 50% discount.

  红桥市场Hongqiao Market (Hongqiao Shichang)

  Also known as the Pearl Market. It is close to the Temple of Heaven. Pearls, antiques, cheap luggage and other goods can be bought in the market. As with all markets, bargain hard.

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